Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Message from Facebook

2day I've recieved this bloody message from a group in the Facebook
إلى جميع الأحرار المقيمين في القطر العربي المصري ندعوكم لحضور الذكرى السنوية الأولى لاستشهاد القائد صدام حسين الاثنين الموافق 17/12/2007 بمقر حزب مصر العربي الاشتراكي أبراج المهندسين (ب) بالمعادي – كورنيش النيل – برج 4 – الدور 12 – شقة
and there is someone wrote in the wall of that group:
تحيا عروبتنا جميعايا رفاق ان الواجب يحتم علينا الكثيرمن الأمور لكن ما النفع اذا بقيت المبادرات كلام على ورق فلنبادر كل في قطره لفعل شيء ما و أنا أود ان أحيي الأخ علاء عبدالله على مبادرته بانشاء موقع سيكون باذن الله صوتنا جميعا و سنعلن عن العنوان قربيا أما بالنسبة للمجموعة فنحن نعتبر بأن هذا الشهر هو شهر المقاومة العراقية الباسلة خاصة بأن ذكرى استشهاد القائد الأسد صدام حسين المجيد أصبحت قريبة جدا لذا سنقوم باحيائها على طريقتنا الخاصة
Tell me how u r going to celebrate the anniversary of saddam's shahada 3ala 6aree8tek al5a99a? lool
how the hell did saddam become shaheed ?? guys.. who do u think ur fooling ?? :)
guys .. what kind of God you believe in ?? Is your God going to reward the person who tortured and killed thousands of his own people !??
Did you forget what he did in Dujail 1982, ???
during this event he destroyed aldujial ''3an bekrat abeeha'' and killed many innocent people just becuase a group of militants shot at his motocrade ??
Though Saddam's reprisal against Dujail is considered one of his lesser-known crimes, it has been chosen as the first for which he was excuted.
Guys did u forget Al-anfaaal event when '' al sayyed alash'heed''
had killed up to 182,000 of kurdish people??Many people considered the Anfal campaign an attempt at genocide.

Did u forget his using of chemical weapons to remove Kurds from their villages in northern Iraq during the Anfal campaign. It was estimated that chemical weapons were used on approximately 40 Kurdish villages, with the largest of these attacks occurring on March 16, 1988 against the Kurdish town of Halabja.

Did you forget his invastion of kuwait on August 2, 1990, If u guys wanna forget the crimes he commited in iraq ,we won't forget the poeple he killed in kuwait and the prisoners he captured !! we won't forget the 700 oil wells that were lit, burning over one billion barrels of oil and releasing dangerous pollutants into the air. Oil pipelines were also opened, releasing 10 million barrels of oil into the Gulf and tainting many water sources. The fires and the oil spill created a huge environmental disaster.
guys, you should celebrate the fall of Saddam, not his shahada :P
anyway, I dont blame shabab al2umma if our islamic leaders and scholars supported sadam and considred him as qeddees and shaheed.
no wonder some people have published books ,defending Ameer almo2mneen Yazeed
and other Dectators in our history

No comment

I was a big fan of mo2allafat 3a2eth al8arnii

5a9atan ketab ' Don't be sad'

but not anymore :)

Esma3 alqarni yarthi 9addam

oslooob 9ara7a ..:)

y3arf shloon yebachi

shoof ha video al-la6eef oo goool

laaaaaa ya raaaaaagel


Maximilian said...
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Maximilian said...

ee adreee ma 3endi salfaa loool

la bas kotobah la ba2s feeha 9ara7a

oo alrayyal roghma e5telafi aljathriii ma3aaaah .. laken ma yemna3 enne agool enna esloobah la6eef ..oo ako ma8oola shaheera lea2 a7ad al alawlyaa2 al9ale7en ygool la tanthor ela al8a2el wa laken onthor ela ma ya8oool ( chithi almathmoon) .. ma sema3ti elle ygool 5othoo al7ekmaata men afwaah almajaneen :D ..
waleeh al7een yefhmoona ghala6 jema3at altakfeer :D

ya yoba men bab alwe7da gelt'ha :P

5roofa said...


wala its not April wela jan gelt ena its April fool day

ay shay men 9ij hathela shfehom yano?.
\wela bs swalef 7erne o a7erk

3ade 5al ye7tflon 5o el7en esta'3rlah kel ma e7taflo fe mkan 9ar tafjer

;/ eldenya yana yana
5al eyenon ma3a ba3ath lol


Bin-Nasser said...

سلام بلبل

تكفة لمن تشوفني احتضر ابيك تقولي "الى جهنم" عشان تكون هالكلمة سبب دخولي الجنة :)

ياعمي شهالحثالة اللي تسمع لهم و تشوف فيديواتهم

حتى فرعون استغفر قبل لا يمردس, بس ما سمعنا احد قال انه يروح الجنه

ياله كل عام وانت بخير مولانا

سلااام عرجاااال
انا بن ناصر - الكويت الحبيبة

على نفسها جنت براقش said...

تظن يجوز نترحم عليه

Shather said...

لول انا صايره ما اتعب نفسي بهالسوالف عسى ما احد حاججني احب فلان و لا تحب فلان على طول "الله يحشرك معاه" :P

عاد اللي ينتفض ينتفض و اللي يبجي يبجي و اللي يسب ليييش تدعين علي ههه خو انت اللي قلت تحبه و مرفعه لين السماء و دافعت عنه!!

S-Q8 said...

ana ba3aref hathela shino fee dakhel ras'hom.. mo mokh akeed.. shay thani ;/

Anonymous said...

هبل بعيد عنك

Mamloo7a Q8ia said...

عيدك مبارك
وعساك من عواده

Maximilian said...

شكرا على تعقيبات الجميع

Unknown said...

ذكري اعدام صدام
خوش توقيت

عيدك مبارك