Sunday, September 21, 2008

فزت ورب الكعبة- ال21 من رمضان

“Ali was killed in the alcove of his worship because of his intense justice”.

In my view, ʿAlī was the first Arab to have contact with and converse with the universal soul. He died a martyr of his greatness, he died while prayer was between his two lips. The Arabs did not realise his value until appeared among their Persian neighbors some who knew the difference between gems and gravels.

He was like a prophet sent for a nation other than his own during a period to which he did not belong'.

"قتل علي في محراب عبادته لشدة عدله"
في عقيدتي أن ابن أبي طالب كان أول عربي لازم الروح الكلية، وجاورها، وسامرها، وهو أول عربي تناولت شفتاه صدى أغانيها على مسمع قوم لم يسمعوا بها من قبل، فتاهوا بين مناهج بلاغته، وظلمات ماضيهم، فمن أعجب به كان إعجاباً موثوقاً بالفطرة، ومن خاصمه كان من أبناء الجاهلية...يب
مات علي بن أبي طالب شهيد عظمته... مات والصلاة بين شفتيه... مات وفي قلبه شوق إلى ربه... ولم يعرف العرب حقيقة مقامه ومقداره، حتى قام من جيرانهم الفرس أناس يدركون الفارق بين الجوهر والحصى.. مات قبل أن يبلغ العالم رسالته كاملة وافية، غير أنني أتمثله مبتسماً قبل أن يغمض عينيه عن هذه الأرض.. مات شأن جميع الأنبياء الباصرين الذين يأتون إلى بلد ليس ببلدهم، وفي زمن ليس بزمنهم، ولكن لربك شأن في ذلك، وهو أعلم

Thursday, September 18, 2008


IT's been a long time since i last up-dated the blog. Been very busy recenly and I've moved onto a new place where there is no internet access. Anyway, thanks to everybody who asked about me either through e-mails or by calling my mobile(5alaaaa9 dereina ennek ensan mohem) :P
Ramadan kareem oo yen3ad 3ala aljamee3 blyomn oo albarakat oo sorry for the late wishes
It took my body a couple of days to adapt to fasting since it was really hard not to eat anything when you stand on your feet from 9am to 5-pm everyday. Although I’m still a bit cranky and having a few headaches, I don’t feel that hungry as I used to be in the first few days. That’s probably because once I get busy there, time passes very quickly and just before I knew it, its 5pm, the end of my placement. Then I arrive home at my apartment gate around 5:30- 6:00 PM, so 2 hours would be left till ‘’ elfe6oor’’. Therefore, I don’t spend much time feeling hungry. However, today was an exceptional day since I missed my ‘’so7oor’’ and for some reason I’ve finished my placement at 1-pm which means I had 8 hours before I could break my fast. I tried to have nap as I really believe in this hadith:

عن أبو الحسن(عليه السلام): قيلوا، فان الله يطعم الصائم ويسقيه في منامه
رواه الصدوق

As I said, I tried for sleep, but I couldn’t fall asleep :( and this was because many things popped into my head. I don’t mean things like negative thoughts, but I mean things like the above photo.

lesson 332: DO NOT MISS YOUR SU7oor ever again;)